Category: 2019 D03 Eco
2019 Q Analysis D03 Economics
Monetary vs Fiscal Policy controlling inflation, Macro v Micro economics Q1
Q. a) Describe the two (2) following methods to control inflation: i. Monetary Policy. (5 marks) ii. Fiscal Policy. (5 marks) b) Explain the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics. (10 Read More …
GOV Intervention in stabilizing economy, Domestic vs International Trade Q2
Q. a) Explain the mechanism of government intervention in stabilizing the economy. (10 marks) b) Describe the difference between Domestic Trade and International Trade. (10 marks) (20 marks, 2019 Q2) Read More …
Demand-pull v Cost-push Inflation and Monopoly & Oligopoly Q3
Q. a) Explain the following causes of inflation. i. Demand-pull inflation. (5 marks) ii. Cost-push inflation. (5 marks) b) Explain the following terms in the context of market structure. i. Read More …
Deflation v Inflation and Gov Intervention lowering price of goods Q4
Q. a) Explain the difference between deflation and inflation. (10 marks) b) “Government intervention in the economy can lower the price of goods”. Explain. (10 marks) (20 marks, 2019 Q4) Read More …
Free economic system v central planned economic system Q5
Q. Describe four (4) characteristics that differentiate free economic system and central planned economic system. (20 marks, 2019 Q5) A. Similar question was asked in: 2013 Q1b 2015 Q1b 2018 Read More …
Firm v Industry and Equilibrium position short-run v long-run Q6
Q. a) Explain the difference between firm and industry. (10 marks) b) Show the equilibrium position of a firm and industry under perfect competition in short-run and long-run. (10 marks) Read More …
Types & Function of Money and Current vs Saving Deposits Q7
Q. a) Describe the different types of money and its functions. (10 marks) b) Explain the difference between Current Deposits and Saving Deposits. (10 marks) (20 marks, 2019 Q7) A. Read More …
Role of Central Bank Malaysia Q8
Q. Describe four (4) main roles of the Central Bank of Malaysia. (20 marks, 2019 Q8) A. Similar question was asked in: 2017 Q3b 2011 Q7b Although the question specified Read More …