Every year, BOVAEP will issue a notice for renewal end of September or beginning of October to all registrants including PEAs. See below the notice for 2020.
Renewal for PEA is RM50, and it is done during the last 3 months of the year. New PEA Name Tag and Form K1 (Certificate of Registration) will be sent out after your renewal for the new calendar year.
1. Fill up your Form D1, attach them in bis.lppeh.gov.my, form D1 is as below. You can download Form D1 in the bis.lppeh.gov.my system when you sign into your account.
2. If you have not registered with E Insolvensi, have to register first and use online gateway service to pay (RM10) via Online Banking service (I used Maybank 2U).
3. Immediate after payment, you can download the insolvency report. Then, attach to your bankruptcy declaration form (download below) above in one PDF together with the Declaration form below. The bis.lppeh.gov.my can only take PDF.
4. After that you will wait for the approval to make RM50 PEA renewal payment via bis.lppeh.gov.my, which will take about 1-2 working days. An email will be sent to you for notification of approval for payment.
Email notification

5. Wait for a week plus, the Name Tag will be sent by post as below.
and, the bis.lppeh.gov.my system will show that it has been renewed and approved for the new year, see below:
6. REN renewal all sorted through the Agency, so this process above is only for PEA and REA.
If there is any issue encountered in the system, you can inquire from the IT team of lppeh.gov.my.